"At a springe-wel, under a thorn There was a bote of bale, a litel hire a-forn, There beside stant a maide, full of love ibounde, Whoso wol seche trewe love, in hir it shall be founde"
- Anonymous middle English verse, 14th Century
Spring Tide - "At a sprynge wel under a thorn..."
Based on English folk-lore and a particular bit of 14th century verse/poetry. Though no melody is recorded with the original text, I've found it very pleasant to sing aloud to a tune of my own conception. Watercolour, gouache, graphic pen, indian ink, on paper of some description. Roughly A4 size.
When the Sun lay in the earth, I set my heart there deep beside, that the sinking of a sacred light portended doom should swift betide; and so it fell, and filled that space within my chest; and all inside was drowned by dread it seemed; to think my heart must now abide in earthen tomb, yet still to hope; for neither heart nor sun have died, and though I might not make it so; to see a dawn at least, I tried.
This is the new web site and blog of me; Joseph Scrobb, (formerly known as Joseph Coyle and Larpin Scrobb).
The site will focus on recording my ongoing artistic practice and further creative endeavours. Featured here will be my past illustration and the work I produce as part of my Masters Degree in Fine Art at Aberystwyth University (between the years 2016 - 2018), and the main page will also serve as an expressive blog space, for the sharing of my working process, ideas, experiences, accomplishments, reflections on myth, magic and wonder, and for the cultivation of a general aura of mysterious nonsense and esoteric strangeness.
The content of the site is limited on account of it's newness, but will of course grow and evolve over time...
Thank you for reading,