Sep 2, 2019
The Death of Cock Robin comes to Shrewsbury!
I am very excited to announce that I will be exhibiting my set of Cock Robin paintings in Castle Gates Library in Shrewsbury from Monday...

May 16, 2019
The Death of Cock Robin Book Preview
Here is a preview of what I am calling a 'prototype' copy of my Cock Robin book. The illustrations in these first copies unfortunately...

Jun 12, 2018
From the set of Cock Robin illustrations I have so far finished, a choice selection from the series of 15 paintings, to whet your...

Oct 20, 2017
Cock Robin Sketchbook Catch-up
Greetings once again! Alas, I have neglected to keep the blog updated throughout the Summer, but a new term of my MA course has begun,...

Apr 21, 2017
A Wondrous Hill
Arising from the plain; a hill, its like unknown, it’s age undreamed. It trembled once upon a time, So once it was believed. There I...

Apr 13, 2017
The Frog Well
“By the side of the Roman road between Ruckley and Acton Burnell, and half-way down the Causeway Bank, there rises out of a ferny,...

Mar 28, 2017
Cock Robin No.2
I completed a second 'rough' attempt at a page from a possible Cock Robin book. The text was done fairly lazily just to work through one...

Mar 19, 2017
Spring Tide
"At a springe-wel, under a thorn There was a bote of bale, a litel hire a-forn, There beside stant a maide, full of love ibounde, ...
Mar 6, 2017
When the Sun lay in the earth...
When the Sun lay in the earth, I set my heart there deep beside, that the sinking of a sacred light portended doom should swift betide;...