Sep 2, 2019
The Death of Cock Robin comes to Shrewsbury!
I am very excited to announce that I will be exhibiting my set of Cock Robin paintings in Castle Gates Library in Shrewsbury from Monday...

Jun 6, 2019
The Death of Cock Robin Illustrated Book - Now Available to Purchase!
At last, my book The Death of Cock Robin, the culmination of my Masters Degree and almost two years of work and research, is now...

May 16, 2019
The Death of Cock Robin Book Preview
Here is a preview of what I am calling a 'prototype' copy of my Cock Robin book. The illustrations in these first copies unfortunately...

Sep 7, 2018
Shropshire Open 2018 1st Prize!
I am delighted to say that my Rook picture, from the Cock Robin sequence, was awarded 1st prize in the Shropshire Open Art Competition...
Sep 7, 2018
Who delayed Cock Robin?
Hello! I am sorry that I have not posted any updates since May, it has been a very busy and stressful time, and unfortunately despite my...

Jun 12, 2018
From the set of Cock Robin illustrations I have so far finished, a choice selection from the series of 15 paintings, to whet your...

Oct 20, 2017
Cock Robin Sketchbook Catch-up
Greetings once again! Alas, I have neglected to keep the blog updated throughout the Summer, but a new term of my MA course has begun,...

Mar 28, 2017
Cock Robin No.2
I completed a second 'rough' attempt at a page from a possible Cock Robin book. The text was done fairly lazily just to work through one...